Pierre Leo (Leon) Lasseigne and Adine (Alexandrine) Tanguis

Pierre Leo Lasseigne, also known as Leo and Leon, was born March 25, 1849. The location is uncertain but most probably in St. John the Baptist Parish. A record of the family in the 1850 census has not yet been found.

Alexandrine Tanguis, also known as Adine, was born April 26, 1847. Again, a record of the family in the 1850 census has not yet been found. Over the years her maiden name has taken several forms: Tonguis, Tanguis, Tanguy, etc. All these variations need to be searched as part of family history.

She shows up in the 1860 census near the Bonnet Carré Post Office in St. John the Baptist Parish along with her birth family as Alexandrine Tonguy.

In the 1860 and 1870 Census of St. John the Baptist Parish, he shows up as Leo Lasseigne, age 12 in 1860 and age 21 in 1870, along with his birth family. In both censuses the family is shown as living near the Bonnet Carré Post Office in Ward Five.

Leo and Alexandrine were married on June 3, 1871 at St. Peter Church in Reserve, LA. In the 1880 Census of St. John the Baptist Parish, he shows up as Leo Lasseigne along with his wife Alexandrine, both age 33. Also, in that census are his son Wilfred age 6 and daughter Clemance age 5.

Leo Lasseigne died January 7, 1882 at age thirty four leaving behind his small children. The circumstances of his early death are not known.

After Leo's death Alexandrine married again to Adrien Coulon. The children of this marriage, if any, are not part of this research. Alexandrine was to live many more years, dying on August 4, 1916  in Gramercy, LA. Her obituary appears under the name of her second husband, Coulon.